**Principal Opponents** Two Principal Opponents face off on this Virtual Planet: the Billionaires and the Billions. The Game is a contest between the 99% and the 1%, Capital and Labor, Rich and Poor, Profits and People, Death and Life. Each Principal Opponent is allotted certain assets and certain liabilities. Each has strengths and weaknesss. Each will seek Allies who will be more or less reliable. This section needs either vast updating or deletion. Moreover, it is not a multiplayer online game but an earlier version played among small groups. BvB can be played by a single player (the computer Program making the Billionaires’ moves) or by as many players as desired, each playing one of the principal Opponents or one of its Allies. The more players, the more complex and realistic the Game becomes. Examples: Six players are needed to represent the Billionaires and the Billions of the First, Second and Third World of the Virtual Globe: Rich countries (Billions and Billionaires) Former Communist countries (Billions and Billionaires) Underdeveloped countries. (Billions and Billionaires) Twenty-six players can represent the different sub-divisions within the camps of each Opponent: The Billionaires divided into: Finance/Insurance/RealEstate/Stock Exchange Manufacturing and Trade Agribusiness Armaments and Military/Police/Security Establishment Extractive industries (Carbon, mining) IT/Media/advertizing Political Class, Lawers and other Lackies ( ?) What about Organized Crime (partly included in FIRE above, partly in Military-Security ? The Billions divided into: Traditional peoples Peasants Unpaid (mostly female) ‘home’ labor Hourly Workers Unemployed Salaried employees Small business people Professionals Technicians, intellectuals Nine Virtual Countries are represented on the Game Globe. Rich developped countries: United States United Europe Japan + Asian Tigers Formerly-Communist Countries Russia China Underdeveloped Countries: Arab World Indonesia/Asia/Pacific Black Africa Latin America With 117 players connected to the Internet or present at a BvB tournament or in a Political Science class, the interests of thirteen different sub-classes in nine countries can be represented. The visual presentation is shown, not on the colonialist-ear Mercator projection which exaggerates the size of the global North and shrinks the South, but on the Peter Projection, which shows the actual size of the continents and places the true equator half-way up the chart.